Accessible & Senior Service

TheRide is committed to providing everyone with comfortable, safe transportation. 


A-Ride is a shared, reservation-based accessibility service. This service provides quality transportation for persons with disabilities. A-Ride works similarly to our fixed-route service with origin-to-destination, curb-to-curb, and door-to-door service. A-Ride trips are provided in accessible lift-equipped buses.

A-Ride service operates during fixed-route service hours.

View A-Ride Service Areas Map

ARide Logo

Getting Started With A-Ride

Local Advisory Council

Interested in TheRide's Local Advisory Council? Click here to learn more.


GoldRide is a special service for seniors ages 65 or older. Eligible seniors travel free on any of our regular fixed-routes with their GoldRide I.D. card.

GoldRide Logo
  • GoldRide Premium Demand Response Service is available within 3/4 mile or fixed routes in the Cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti as well as Pittsfield and Ypsilanti Townships.
  • GoldRide Premium Demand Response Service fares.

GoldRide Vendor

We are proud to announce our new partnership with Via to provide services for GoldRide, with greater booking capacity!

Getting Your GoldRide I.D. Card

Download and fill out the GoldRide application form online to see if you are eligible for an I.D. card. You may also have an application mailed to your home address. Submit your completed application in person, along with the required photo identification, to TheRide's main office at 2700 S. Industrial Hwy. Ann Arbor, MI.

How to Book a Ride

Reservation Options

Use the FlexRide app for iOS or Android or call 734-794-1800. So we can better serve you, please book your trip one day in advance. The reservationist will give you a 20-minute pickup window for all pre-scheduled rides.

If you need assistance, please call 734-973-6500 or send us an email at

Reservation Information

We'll need the following information to reserve your trip:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Method of payment
  • Pick-up location
  • Drop-off location 
  • Pick-up time (if booking in advance)

Other Senior Services

Fare Deal Program

The Fare Deal program allows qualified individuals to ride on our fixed-route buses at a reduced rate. You must meet certain requirements to qualify for a Fare Deal I.D. card.

Fare Deal Program Details

Grocery Ride

GroceryRide provides weekly trips from several senior housing communities in Ann Arbor to local grocery stores for $.75 each way. Call 734-973-6500 for more details.

Additional Resources

COVID-19 Safety

We continue to take precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers. 

For the most up-to-date COVID-19 safety measures we are taking, visit our COVID-19 page.