Business Plan & Budget

TheRide's corporate business plan and annual budgets are planning tools to help align our work with expectations from the Board of Directors. The business plan provides a high-level overview with a longer-term perspective. The annual budget focuses on details for the specific year and projected costs for subsequent years.

TheRide's Fiscal Year (FY) is from October 1 through September 30.

2025 Corporate Business Plan Feedback

TheRide is accepting public feedback on the 2025 Corporate Business Plan. We welcome your comments from June 20, 2024 through July 10, 2024.

There are a variety of ways to share your feedback on TheRide's 2025 Corporate Business Plan:

  • Fill out the webform below
  • Email us at
  • Send a letter to:
    Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority
    Attn: CBP Feedback
    2700 S. Industrial Hwy.
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Enter your message here

Current Budget (FY2024)

Prior Budgets